Jan Wieder

well maintained rental property with view of downtown seattle

Proactive Maintenance: 6 Things Every Landlord Should Do

Whether you own individual homes or an apartment building, real estate is an excellent investment. However, one of the biggest expenses to any property is maintenance. If you wait for something to become a noticeable problem before attending to it,...

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Average Property Management Fees in WA: Residential & Commercial

Average Property Management Fees in WA: Residential & Commercial

The further you dip your toes into the world of rental property the more you'll discover just how much work it takes. With just one rental home, it...

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How To Keep Good Tenants Happy

How To Keep Good Tenants Happy

Rental properties make excellent additions to any investment portfolio. A quality tenant is worth their weight in gold as they will respect the...

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Top 5 Rental Trends in Seattle

Top 5 Rental Trends in Seattle for 2024

It's been an interesting year in the Seattle housing market - rental prices have fluctuated while the demand for single-family homes has increased....

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Curb Appeal: 2024 Rental Property Exterior Trends

Curb Appeal: 2024 Rental Property Exterior Trends

Long before potential tenants ask for a tour, in this market you need to learn about outside amenities and upgraded features you can install in units...

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5 Valuable Landscaping Hacks For Your Rental Property

5 Valuable Landscaping Hacks For Your Rental Property

As a property manager, your time is valuable. You have a lot of things to worry about from drawing in new high-quality tenants to keeping your...

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Pros & Cons of Hiring a Property Management Company

Pros & Cons of Hiring a Property Management Company

When becoming a landlord, choosing which investment property to purchase may seem like the biggest decision to make. In actuality, the most important...

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Common Fears of Hiring a Property Management Company in Seattle

Common Fears of Hiring a Property Management Company in Seattle

Being a landlord in Seattle can be a rewarding and profitable venture, but it also comes with several new responsibilities and challenges. For many,...

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Renting vs. Selling Your House: The Pros and Cons

Renting vs. Selling Your House: The Pros and Cons

If you are planning to purchase a new home in the Seattle area, you have to decide what to do with your existing one. Residential property owners...

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How to Keep Your Apartment Occupancy Rate Under 5% in Burien

How to Keep Your Apartment Occupancy Rate Under 5% in Burien

It is common knowledge that the key to making a profit off your residential investment properties in Burien is keeping them occupied with long-term...

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